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Last update: 6 Aug 2024

How to Generate a Checkout URL

Create your own URL using Product ID & Introducer Code for an express checkout experience when selling online via a URL or QR Code.


  1. User is a new customer and does not have a LHWY account.
  2. URL is unique to the product and introducer only. Each social media post or origin source leads a new customer directly to the LHWY checkout page.

1. Single Item Scenario


Express Checkout Link Structure:[$ProductID]&code=[$IntroducerCode]

Express Checkout Link Sample:

For ProductID=47; IntroducerCode=SGI68385333

Final URL:

Express Checkout QR Code Sample:

Note: You can use any QR code generator software to convert this URL to a QR code.

2. Single Item with N Quantity Scenario

Express Checkout Link Structure:[$ProductID]&quantity=[$N]code=[$IntroducerCode]

Express Checkout Link Example:

For ProductID=47; Quantity=2, IntroducerCode=SGI68385333

Final URL:

Express Checkout QR Code Sample:

Note: You can use any QR code generator software to convert this URL to a QR code.

3. Subscription Item with Promo Code Scenario

Express Checkout Link Structure:[$ProductID]&code=[$IntroducerCode]&coupon_code=[$Coupon_Code]

Express Checkout Link Example:

For ProductID=2533;  IntroducerCode=SGI68385333; Coupon_code=TAKA30

Final URL:

Express Checkout QR Code Sample:


Note: You can use any QR code generator software to convert this URL to a QR code

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